Rock gay bar phoenix

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Grab the mic or take a seat for a karaoke night - offered four days a week - or stop in on Friday for the 'Best Drag Show.' The bar offers locally produced draft beer and craft cocktails. Central Ave., Suite 175, is another top choice, with Yelpers giving the inexpensive gay bar, lounge and karaoke spot four stars out of 102 reviews. Kobalt Photo: Marc K./ YelpĮncanto's Kobalt, located at 3110 N. Located inside an old-world cathedral, Stacy's Melrose offers a menu that features domestic, imported and craft beer, as well as signature cocktails. With four stars out of 134 reviews on Yelp, the gay bar has proven to be a local favorite for those looking for an inexpensive option. Next up is Stacy's Melrose, situated at 4343 N. There is also live entertainment on select nights. in Camelback East, the gay bar is the highest-rated cheap gay bar in Phoenix, boasting 4.5 stars out of 27 reviews on Yelp.ĭecorated with a nostalgic touch, Nu Towne Saloon offers a full range of drinks, including beer and signature cocktails.

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Hoodline crunched the numbers to find the best affordable gay bars in Phoenix, using both Yelp data and our own secret sauce to produce a ranked list of where to fill the bill. Wondering where to find the best gay bars near you?

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